About Me

Hello and welcome!

My name is Tara.

I am a mom of 3.  My hands shake when I decorate, so my kids have dubbed me the “shaky baker”.

Therefore, I bake and shake.

Thanks for stopping by!

–> If you need to get in touch with me, click here.


3 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi Tara,

    I just discovered your blog and think it’s awesome! Your recipes are delicious, your photos are stunning and the content is great!

    I’d also like to extend an invitation to you to join a vibrant community I’m creating for baking bloggers called SWEEThearts, powered by Atomic Reach. Atomic Reach is a social publishing platform connecting bloggers with brands. I think you have really engaging content and this would be a great opportunity to share your published thoughts and delectable recipes with a larger audience.

    Here’s how it works:

    If you choose to join in, we’ll publish the title of your posts and the first few sentences of each article. If readers want to see the full story, they’ll be pushed to your blog or website.
    The benefits to you are: increased exposure, traffic and a forum to share your thoughts and opinions with a large group of engaged readers.

    Please send me an email if you are interested in contributing your blog’s posts or if you have any questions.

    I look forward to you joining the SWEEThearts community!


    S. Luu

    summerluu @ atomicreach dot com

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